
If you are unfamiliar with the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, we have resources available for you.

Each parish in the cluster parishes have slightly different procedures for Nuptial Masses or even Nuptial Blessings in conjunction with a Liturgy of the Word (Outside of Mass). Catholic Marriages are to take place in parish churches, because our life as Christians isn’t isolated.   Married couples especially need the support of their faith community.  If you don’t have a parish, we’d love for you to begin your permanent life of faith in one of the cluster parishes. Before any dates can be selected, each couple must meet with a priest or deacon to assess freedom to marry. The process takes no less than 6 months, but might take more than a year, depending on the circumstances.

Please contact the particular parish to get the process started.

Saint Mary Star of the Sea

Fort Monroe

Kimberly A. Primo
Administrative Assistant
(757) 722-9855 x0013

Saint Vincent de Paul

Downtown Newport News

Jeannie Klump
Administrative Assistant
(757) 722-9855 x0014

Saint Joseph

Buckroe Beach in Hampton

Melanie Plue
Administrative Assistant
(757) 851-8800 x0038

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