Parish Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar servers must be at least in the 3rd grade, and have received First Eucharist. Training is required.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These ministers serve at each Mass. Assignments are made several months in advance. Training is required. Contact: Ann Marie Batten, 850-3310.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick

They visit shut-ins, those in nursing homes, and hospital patients, as needed. Training required. Contact: Rev. Mr. Michael Swisher, Deacon.


Readers are needed for each Mass. Training is available and scheduling is done for several months in advance. Contact: Deacon Mike Swisher.


Welcoming people at the doors, both before and after Mass, seating people, and taking up collections are all duties of this ministry.
Contact: Parish Office, 722-9855.

Liturgical Arts & Environment

The committee contributes to the celebration of the liturgy through the enhancement of the church by maintaining the appropriate liturgical colors and seasonal decorations. The committee meets before feast days and major church seasons. Fresh garden flowers are always welcome. Special floral memorials or commemorations may be arranged. Contact: Kim Primo and Fran Draudt by calling church office.

Liturgy Committee

Members assist the pastor with the planning and implementation of the liturgy and worship.Contact: Ann Marie Batten, 850-3310.

Justice and Peace Ministries

This committee supports direct service, advocacy, and community organizing to empower poor and vulnerable people. Chairperson Needed- Please contact the parish office.

Parish Disability Advocacy

The Disability Advocate is available to assist parishioners with disabilities, both permanent and temporary, to be as active in parish life and the celebration of Mass as each individual wishes. Chairperson Needed- Please contact the parish office.

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