Music Ministry

As we approach Lent, the music ministries are looking for volunteers to join us as we prepare music for Holy Week and for the Easter Season. Singers (ages twelve and up), please think about joining us on Tuesday nights for choir rehearsals at 6:30 at Saint Joseph. Choir will prepare special pieces for the Triduum as well for Easter morning (April 20th) this year, and we are very much in need of helpers in order to make these pieces happen! And, whether or not you can come on Tuesdays, you are also invited to come to the cantors’ rehearsal at noon on Thursdays at Saint Mary. At this rehearsal, we focus on the hymns and mass parts for each upcoming Sunday and holy day, and these practices will be especially important as we get closer to Easter.

In addition to singing, another option for helping out this year is to play handbells or hand chimes. If this option piques your interest, please do think about coming to the weekly bell choir rehearsals during Lent—on Tuesday nights (beginning on March 11th) at 5:30PM at Saint Joseph. Ringers (ages eight and up), know that no previous experience is necessary, but do only consider serving in this role if you will be able to participate in the masses on Holy Thursday and on Divine Mercy Sunday at our parishes this year. Handbells will be played during masses at Saint Joseph: for the 7PM mass on Holy Thursday (April 17th) and for the 4PM Saturday night mass (April 26th) on Divine Mercy weekend. Hand chimes will be played during masses at Saint Mary—for the 5PM mass on Holy Thursday (April 17th) and for the 9:30AM mass on Divine Mercy Sunday (April 27th).

If you do feel called for any of the roles mentioned above, please send Danny ([email protected]) a note to let him know that you will help. Thanks very much, everyone! We greatly appreciate your efforts this year as we prepare for the Resurrection!

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